Teaching: Course Offerings
Dancer as Artist, Artist as Human: Zoom In, Zoom Out
Art is within the artist. Creative intelligence comes from within. Each dancer has a unique artist’s voice that as a teacher I seek to nourish and help bring forth. At the same time, we are artists in a context: that of relationship not only to self but to our environment, planet and all our relations as well. The courses and workshops I teach seek to bring out the Artist in the Dancer and the Human in the Artist.
Current Teaching:
Dance Mission Summer Camp, Grrrl Brigade Intensive, and Retreat, Modern Dance, Taiko, Art and Social justice Projects, ages 7-18
Alonzo King Lines Ballet School, Improvisation/Composition, ages 11-24
Dance Brigade/Dance Mission Theater, Grrrl Brigade and Youth Program, Taiko and Movement, ages 7-18, classes and performance pieces
Dance Mission Theatre, Absolute Beginning Taiko and Advanced Beginning Taiko class, Adults
Public Adult Workshops, San Francisco Dance Center and others
Dance Mission Youth Pod, Schoolwork, Taiko, Dance, Art and Social Justice Projects, Fall, 2020
Class, Workshop and Semester Course Offerings:
Contemporary Technique: a dynamic technique class focusing on efficient use of the skeletal structure and musculature, and organically dancing in and out of the floor. Centering, skeletal support and muscular engagement and release, breath, anchors, clarity of movement initiation, directionality, compression and expansion, energetic flow, fluidity and athleticism are some of the elements addressed. Inversions are de-mystified.The class includes influences from Release Technique, Axis Syllabus, Limon technique, Contact Improvisation, Capoeira, Gyrotonic and Yoga
Improvisation/Composition: Various tracks include Formal Considerations/Basic Skills, Contact Improvisation, Creative Inquiry, Dancer As Artist, Artist as Human: Zoom in, Zoom Out. In the latter we engage in both deep personal investigation and explorations of our moving bodies'/creative minds' relationship to our daily lives and to each other, communities, society, environment, planet. In addition to dance, classes may incorporate readings, writing, discussion, video. Courses/workshops may be geared toward specific themes including but not limited to: Borders and Boundaries, Power, Adios, Barbie (Body Image and Identity), Technology and Heart, Dancing the Village, Universe, Collision Playground, Dancing the Elements, Truth Telling in the Time of the Great Unraveling. Contact Deb'e for more info and detailed course descriptions
Taiko Drumming for Youth: Basic taiko drumming skills and performance pieces for youth ages 7-18.
Gallery: Teaching